Resources: First Half of Classical Conversations Cycle 1
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First Twelve Weeks
In case you have missed it, I would love to share my take on a Charlotte Mason approach (READ: living books) to Classical Conversations Cycle 1, Weeks 1-12. We are currently enjoying some of the books on this list! In case you missed any, I have linked the list here. The page will take you to Week 12, so scroll up the page if you need to find a previous week.
Also, if there are any living books you have found particularly helpful during CC Cycle 1, please do not hesitate to comment here, or let me know! I love getting ideas from you all.
Life is Full!
I wish I could update you on all the things we have been able to enjoy this year so far, but alas! I have to keep up with life. If I get off the treadmill mid-stride, I will surely trip and fall. I do not like that analogy, but for now, it will have to do.
A few of the things we have been up to the first 10 weeks of our school year:
- starting a new Charlotte Mason co-op
- reading aloud The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis (the kids and I are loving the full-color edition)
- teaching each other watercolor painting. I (Holly) am taking this on as a thing for myself, really
- continuing our Charlotte Mason book club (moms only) we started last summer
- returning refreshed from a week in the NC mountains
- reading about Martin Luther for Reformation Day
- watching the Torchlighters Series together on Redeem TV
- nature study in the sunshine, reading about frogs and trying to find them at our local lake (using Pond and Stream Companion)
- getting dressed up and going to friends’ homes, where we have enjoyed crafts, games, and food
- discovering the piano and learning to build the habit of practicing
Our lives have been full! If you’d like to stay updated in a more personal way, I invite you to sign up for our newsletter. It’s still there for you- to encourage you, give you ideas, and foster community. If you want to contribute to a future issue of the My Little Brick Schoolhouse Newsletter, make sure to sign up. I will be involving some of my readers over the next few months. Collaboration can be wonderful!
Cheering You On
I sincerely want to cheer you on. You are doing a great job. I trust God is using what you have and doing what He does: making a feast out of our five loaves and two fish. If you feel like a slump or burnout is coming on, you are not alone! Find something life-giving. You are making your plan work for you, not the other way around. Whatever needs to GO in your schedule, after consulting God and His wisdom, make that change. Also, if you have children and you are entering the holiday season, make the time to have some down time with your family. Events will fill up the calendar. You know it. Carve out time to just play and read and have fun together with the family, without expected deadlines or meet-ups.
I love hearing from you and look forward to the next chapter we have together!
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