Our Story

We are a family of five redheads. Totaling three children and two adults, we live in a brick, two-story, federal style house on a quiet street.  Our town is becoming rife with the hubbub of homeschool families, and we quite enjoy that.  Our world is not limited to the homeschool bubble, yet happily, we find ourselves in it often. Doing life and school overlap so much, I will refrain from separating them into two separate domains. We love our church family; some members homeschool their kids, while many do not.  We have no pets (why would we have them when we are raising so many kids?!).  The kids are yet young, so the noise and mess level are unsurprisingly constant. 

Our family’s story begins with a young man and young woman.  I met my husband on an intramural field.  Both of us out of college, we were joining some friends from the grad and career church group to play a flag football game on Super Bowl Sunday 2010.  We were wed in that same church of our meeting in front of dear friends and family. I wore diamond white.  My Andrew’s 2002 Honda Civic died on the way to our rehearsal dinner the night before, so our getaway car was my “super trendy” 2002 Ford Taurus, affectionately named “Big Blue”.  In fact, our Hawaii honeymoon ended and the first thing we had to do as a married couple was pay the service bill for his “Goldie”, may she rest in peace (she gave us about 5 to 6 years more). 

Ten years sure do fly by.  As we await our tenth wedding anniversary in 2021, we find ourselves knee high in a six-year-old boy’s LEGO collection, a four-year-old girl’s art projects, and a two-year-old boy’s collections of … mud?… dinosaurs? …live “pets” of the backyard? I have let a lot of things slide since our first was born!

We have three very different children, each with his or her own, unique needs.  Discovering what makes each one tick will be a lifelong pursuit and joy.  If I am being honest, it also scares me a little bit, but I am game for enduring the hardships and I am in it for the long haul.

I love a good book, and have made it my goal to read more novels, as I add that to the list of nonfiction, teaching methods, and wide array of picture books I love to read. 

I am not going to pretend that I have it all together.  Nope.  I will strive to deliver integrity.  

Practicing seeing the bright side of things will be a constant desire of mine, and boy oh boy do we all need a hug from a friend every now and then.  Therefore, I see the purpose of this site to encourage and inspire.  May you find something good in it.  I really want people to understand that I derive so little strength from myself.  I need the power of Christ in me to do anything good. Homeschooling and life as a parent of young children, for me, has been more about saying “I can’t” and looking to the One who can than it has been about mustering up enough strength from self to soldier on.  That is why I am writing – to point to God, and say, “Look what He did!”. 

Homeschooling our children had always been on the radar. The question was, how?  Ever-evolving journey is the way I would describe the homeschool life for us.  I have always had a listening ear for what the experts had to say… so I am an eclectic homeschool mom.  However, there are some major anchors and principles that I press into as I strain to follow the LORD Jesus in our little brick schoolhouse.  He does the equipping and the enabling.  We get out of the way and let his Holy Spirit direct us.

Back in 2012 when we thought we needed something to nurture (pre-kids)

Where I’ve Been

Check out my newest videos!

Interview with Modern Miss Mason’s Leah Boden on Chesterton, homeschooling, and writing. Watch Here

For more, high-quality, G.K. Chesterton FREEBIES like the webinar below, subscribe here.

Homeschool Resource Co. Charlotte Mason Webinar: Narration as a Way of Life

Homeschool Conversations Podcast with Humility and Doxology: “Advent Morning Time” and “Exploring the Life and Legacy of G.K. Chesterton

Contributor to the 2023 Homeschool Resource Co. Celebration Collection with my Joyful Feast Advent Resource.

Contributor to the iHomeschool Network blog:

“Digital Literacy: The Benefits of Starting a Podcast with Your Child”

“I Was a Public School Teacher: This is Why I Homeschool”

Podcast Guest on Developing Classical Thinkers (Thales Academy): There and Back Again: From Charlotte, NC to Charlotte Mason with Holly Lee

North Carolinians for Home Education Greenhouse Magazine (Fall 2022 Issue)

Three Homeschooling Mindset Shifts to Embrace by Holly Lee

Guest Author at Humility and Doxology: 7 Reasons to Use LEGO(R) Bricks in a Charlotte Mason Education by Holly Lee